Psycho-educational program which enhanced health behaviors, increased coping skills, give information about what
substance abuse is, and its complications on drug addict patients physical and mental health. Aim of the study:
Evaluate the effect of psycho-educational program on depression among drug addict patients. Design: Quasi-
Experimental pretest posttest controlled design was used. Subjects and method: The studied sample consisted of
100 drug addict patients, 50 were study group & 50 were control group. Tools: Personal data, pattern of drug
addiction questionnaire, and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Results: pre psycho-educational program, the
majority of drug addict patients had severe levels of depression while, post program, the drug addict patients (study
group) had less levels of depression than control group who didn't received psycho-educational program.
Conclusion: Psycho-educational program had positive effects on levels of depression among study group than
control group. Recommendations: Psycho-educational program should be part of the treatment strategies among
drug addict patients and their families
Research Date
Research Department
Research File
Research Journal
Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal
Research Member
Research Publisher
Shymaa Mohammed Sayed
Research Rank
Research Vol
Vol , (8) No, (20),
Research Website
http://asnj.journals.ekb.eg http://www.arabimpactfactor.com
Research Year
March, 2020,
pp (45-55)
Research Abstract