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Prof. Samah Mohamed Abdullah, Dean of the Faculty, stresses the importance of activating the role of internship students, deputies and teaching assistants in university hospitals during her meeting with the directors of the nursing staff in university

 hospitals.rof. Samah Mohamed Abdullah, Dean of the Faculty, stresses the importance of activating the role

Under the auspices ofProf. Ahmed El-Minshawi, President of the University,Prof. Samah Mohamed Abdullah, Dean of the Faculty, met with the heads of departments, coordinators of excellence in the faculty, and directors of the nursing staff in university hospitals. At the beginning of the meeting,Prof. Samah Mohamed Abdullah thanked and appreciated the directors of the nursing staff for their cooperation with the faculty administration .

Then she affirmed her full pride and keen interest in all internship students as well as deputies and all nursing staff in university hospitals, and her full keenness to improve their conditions, receive all proposals, and overcome the difficulties that impede activating the role of students in hospitals, investing their energies, and cooperating with the medical staff present in hospitals. To maximize the role of nursing in the health system and ensure the functioning of the system, emphasizing their important role, and working to improve the health system in general, in line with Vision 2030..










