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Effect of educational program on knowledge and attitude of childbearing women about intrauterine cupper device as emergency contraceptive method

Research Authors
Walaa H Ibrahim, Reda R Mohamed, Entisar M Maklof
Research Date
Research Journal
Egyptian Journal of Health Care
Research Member
Research Publisher
Ain Shams University, Faculty of Nursing
Research Vol
Research Year
Research Abstract

Background: Use of emergency contraceptive (EC) methods, provides a second chance to prevent unintended pregnancy and reduce maternal morbidity and mortality. Providing women with knowledge about intrauterine cupper device as EC will affect their understanding and change their attitude towards EC and hence increase their utilization of this method. Aim of the study: to identify effect of educational program on improving childbearing women's knowledge, attitude and their intention to use IUCD as EC method. Subjects and Method: A Quazi experimental research design was applied. This study was carried out at family planning clinic in the Women Health Hospital, Assiut governate/Egypt A convenient sample of 300 childbearing women was included according to inclusion criteria. Two tools were used to collect data: Tool (1): structure interview questionnaire that involved (personal, obstetric, contraceptive and knowledge about IUCD as EC and tool (II): An attitude assessment scale. Results: There was a highly statistical significant difference between pre and post total knowledge score and total attitude P Conclusion: A significant improvement occurred in the total score of knowledge and attitude post intervention and women’s intention to use IUCD as EC increased after educational program. Recommendations: implementing a regular education programs to raise women’s awareness regarding using IUCD as EC methods.