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Specialized Program in Nursing Sciences with the Credit Hour System

Specialized Program in Nursing Sciences with the Credit Hour System.

Program vision:

Achieve excellence in specialized nursing education to meet the needs of society, keep pace with progress in various sciences, and keep up with the labor market locally and internationally.

Program mission:

The program seeks to graduate a qualified nurse with general and specialized nursing competencies that help him provide general and specialized nursing care using the acquired competencies that meet the needs of all levels of local, regional and international health institutions with distinct competitive efficiency keeping pace with global developments and strengthening scientific research mechanisms, self- and continuous learning skills, the use of research evidence and community service .

Program Objectives: The program aims to:

1. Preparing qualified and trained nurses to provide specialized nursing care to meet the needs of society and the labor market

2. Raise health awareness by enhancing the leadership role of students in the community and their participation in improving the quality of health care and keeping abreast of professional developments.

3. Qualifying students with the necessary nursing knowledge, skills, and attitudes to perform their role in society and solve problems related to their future work.

4. Providing students with information and specialized skills that help them to evaluate and solve patient problems to enhance the quality of health care

5. Establishing effective partnerships with local and international educational organizations to provide an effective training environment that contributes to the production of graduates with nursing and specialized qualifications.

6. Refine students' abilities in effective communication skills with patients and colleagues, as well as members of the health team.

7. Preparing nurses who possess the required professional nursing ethics and morals, who believe in the values ​​of workmanship and honesty, and are able to adapt and work in a team spirit.

8. Preparing competencies capable of dealing with information technology and modern technologies used.

9. Qualify students to deal with advanced curricula compatible with international curricula.

Program Structure: The program is built by educational units in each semester, where the semester consists of a number of educational units that include: basic sciences, including nursing and medical courses, practical training, and supporting sciences. The program includes 150 credit hours (256.5 credit units). Program hours were calculated using three systems in order to comply with competency-based standards as well as different international systems for calculating educational hours:

Program specializations

1. Emergency and critical care nursing.

2. Oncology nursing.

3. Nursing newborns with critical conditions.

4. Nursing midwifery.

5. Nursing the elderly.

General conditions for admission

1- The college is subject to the system of ability tests in public universities in force, which are held before students can nominate through the coordination office, provided that it is among the conditions for admission to the college, which includes:

English language test, critical thinking test, personality test, and personal interview.

2- Passing the medical examination and medical analyzes prescribed by the Nursing Sector Committee.

3- That the student does not have any physical or mental disability.

4- International students receive the same general conditions for admission to their Egyptian counterparts and in accordance with the rules set by the Supreme Council of Universities

study duration

- A bachelor's degree in nursing sciences is granted when the student fulfills the requirements for obtaining it, including the minimum number of years of study, provided that the years of study are not less than three academic years, in the event that the student's semester average allows this (not less than 3.7). After obtaining a bachelor's degree, the student must spend the internship year, which is a calendar year (12 months), equivalent to 36 actual hours per week in university hospitals, hospitals of the Ministry of Health and Population, or government health institutions, and this is a condition for practicing the nursing profession.

Academic system:

1. The study includes four levels in which the student studies 140 credit hours in addition to a compulsory training year (12 credit hours - 36 actual weekly hours) for a calendar year.

2. The study is divided into general nursing studies (fundamentals of nursing, adult nursing, obstetrics and gynecology nursing, pediatric nursing, critical and emergency cases nursing, community health nursing, elderly nursing, psychological and mental health nursing and nursing administration (Major 104 CH) in the first three levels.

3. The fourth level includes specialized study, where the student chooses to study a nursing major from among the majors offered by the college (Minor 36 CH).

Ratio of theoretical hours to practical (clinical):

The number of hours of the theoretical and practical (clinical) program is commensurate with international standards as follows:

1. Nursing courses represent at least 60% of the program plan.

Medical and supportive courses represent 40% at most in the program plan

The minimum number of credit hours required for graduation:

To obtain a Bachelor of Nursing degree, the student must successfully complete (140) credit hours in addition to 12 credit hours (36 hours) actual / per week for compulsory training (internship) for a period of one year.

Calendar and estimates

The student is evaluated on the following:

1. Practical training for practical courses, semester work, and periodic exams held during the semester

2. Written and practical exams that are held at the end of the semester

3. Grades for nursing courses are estimated as follows:

a. Theoretical nursing courses: 70% of the final grade is written (pamphlet) and 30% for the semester work.

b. Practical nursing courses: Practical test (at the end of the semester) 40% Quarterly work (research or reports, or any other educational activities for the course + clinical training) 60%

c. Grades for non-nursing subjects are estimated as follows: 80% of the final grade for written work (pamphlet) and 20% for semester work.


The number of credit hours required for graduation to obtain a bachelor's degree in specialized nursing


Requirement type

Number of credit hours


The number of courses

Percentages achieved in the list





University requirements







College requirements (public domain)







Compulsory specialization requirements







Supporting specialization requirements







Elective specialization requirements











