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Vice President for Education and Student Affairs on an inspection tour of the college of the college's computer laboratories

Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Samah Mohamed Abdullah, Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Fatima Roshdy Mohamed, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Iman Sayed Ahmed, Director of the Intensive Program, Dr. Saida Abdel Hamid, Deputy Director of the Electronic Testing Unit, Mrs. Iman Ghadeer Mustafa, Secretary of the Faculty of Nursing, and the administrators of the Technological Services Unit, received Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abdel Mawla, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, and Prof. Dr. Advisor to the President of the University for Information Systems And the Director of the Information Network at the university, on an inspection visit to the computer laboratories and to know their efficiency and work to provide the laboratories with other devices










