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With pictures, practical training in schools, maternal and child care centers, and the drinking water and sanitation station in Assiut for fourth-year students, Family and Community Health Nursing Department.

Under the patronage of Mr. Prof. Dr. Samah Mohamed Abdullah, Dean of the College, and Mr. Prof. Dr. Fatima Rushdi Mohamed, Vice Dean of the College for Education and Student Affairs, and under the supervision of Mr. Prof. Dr. Nima Mohamed Al-Maghrabi, Head of the Department of Family and Community Health Nursing, and with the follow-up of the faculty members and the assistant staff in the department.

Practical training includes presenting topics to school students on first aid, nutrition at school age, parasitic diseases, skin diseases, personal hygiene, obesity, diabetes in children, and respiratory diseases.

As well as providing useful topics for women who frequent maternal and child care centers, such as nutrition during pregnancy, care during pregnancy and after childbirth, breastfeeding, and family planning methods, as well as inspecting the water station and following up on the refining process, as well as knowing the correct mechanisms inside the station.









