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With pictures: Acceptance of the doctoral dissertation of researcher Hend Sayed Mohamed Galal, Master of Internal and Surgical Nursing at the South Egypt Cancer Institute.


The researcher's doctoral thesis was accepted and the title of the submitted thesis is:
  (The effect of a nursing training program designed for nurses to reduce the complications of chemotherapy leakage on the disease)
                   The judging and supervision committee for the thesis were:
Prof. Dr. Zainab Abdel Latif Mohamed, Professor of Internal and Surgical Nursing at the Faculty of Nursing, Assiut University (on behalf of the supervisors)
Prof. Dr. Magda Ahmed Mohamed, Professor of Internal and Surgical Nursing at the Faculty of Nursing, Assiut University (internal discussant)
Prof. Dr. Ghani Abdel Nasser Ali, Professor of Internal and Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Sohah University (external discussant)
Dr. Salah Mabrouk Khallaf, Assistant Professor of Oncology at the South Egypt Oncology Institute (from the supervisors)
Prof. Dr. Sahra Zaki Aoza, Professor of Internal and Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Assiut University (on behalf of the supervisors)
                           We wish everyone good luck and success

