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Prof. Samah Mohammad Abdullah, Dean of the College, announces the recommendations of the Young Researchers Conference in the presence of the deputies, department heads, a group of faculty members and the assistant staff,

prof. Nima Mohammad Al-Maghrabi, Head of the Community Health Nursing Department. And prof. Magda Ahmed Mohamed, Head of the Department of Medical and Surgical Nursing.
  • Artificial intelligence encompasses many healthcare technologies that are changing the role of nurses and enhancing patient care.
  • Nurses should be involved in the conceptualization, development, and implementation of artificial intelligence, especially when it impacts nursing practice.
  • Using artificial intelligence in nursing education to enhance student achievement.
  • Artificial intelligence is not a substitute for humans, but rather a partnership
  • Nurses should be aware of the negative and positive aspects of artificial intelligence.
  • Ethical considerations must be followed and applied to ensure integration in patient care.
  • The use of artificial intelligence is very important to monitor patients remotely from home.
  • Finally, we must save our minds and reject the technology that invades them.

  • Artificial intelligence is used to protect a psychiatric patient from suicide.
  • Utilizing the computerized mannequin in various nursing practices at all stages of education.
  • The use of artificial intelligence is effective in pandemic crises.
  • Artificial intelligence enhances accurate assessment.
  • Virtual reality with artificial intelligence technology to reduce pain during burns dressing