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Researcher/ Nagwa Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed's Master's thesis of Nursing Supervisor at Southern Egypt Cancer Institute received an excellent grade


 (Effect of quality orientation program on nursing staff loyalty)

The judging and supervising committee of the thesis were:

Prof. Samah Mohamed Abdullah, Professor in the Department of Nursing Administration and Dean of the faculty  of Nursing - Assiut University (for supervisors)

Prof. Sahar Mohamed Morsy, Professor of Nursing Administration and Head of the Nursing Administration Department, faculty of Nursing - Assiut University (internal reviewer (

Dr. Nadia Mohamed Taha, Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing Administration, faculty of Nursing - Cairo University (external reviewer)

Dr. Hana Mohamed Ahmed, Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing Administration, faculty of Nursing, Assiut University (for supervisors)

Wishing everyone good luck and success