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# Title Department Research Year
3311 Efficacy of Posture Awareness and Neck Exercise Program on Reducing Cervical Pain Among Elderly Patients at Assiut University Hospital, Egypt Department of Gerontological
3312 Effect of Nursing Intervention on Severity of Constipation among Elderly People at Sohag Geriatric Club, Egypt Department of Gerontological
3313 Frustrations Facing Male Nursing Students, in Maternity curriculum, Assiut University and Their Life Satisfaction. Department of Psychiatric
3314 Impact of an Educational Program about Cancer Pain Management on Nurses' Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice at Intensive Care Unit Department of critical care
3315 Relationship between internet addiction and social communication skills among students of Assiut University Department of Psychiatric
3316 Effect of an educational rehabilitation program on prevention of falls after stroke Department of Gerontological
3317 Feeling of Depression and loneliness among Elderly people Attending Geriatric Clubs at Assiut City Department of Psychiatric
3318 Assessment of Nurses’ Knowledge and Practices Regarding Care For Patients with Cardiogenic Shock Department of critical care
3319 Social media addiction among adolescents: Its relationship to sleep quality and life satisfaction Department of Psychiatric
3320 Assiut Internship nursing students' views of their clinical learning environment Department of Pediatrics