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# Title Department Research Year
3081 Health characteristics of early –adolescents boys and girls in Assiut: A comparative Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004
3082 Relationship between Nurses Absenteeism Rate and Incidences of Medication Errors and Bed Sores among Patients at EI. Minya University Hospital Department of Nursing Administration 2004
3083 Pain scores during Tran cervical procedures under Para cCI-vical block, The value of prior cervical ripening by vaginal misoprostol; A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004
3084 Child maltreatment behaviors among parents in the light of socio-economic background in Assiut university Department of Pediatrics 2004
3085 Impact type of delivery on successful breast feeding at Assuit university Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004
3086 Impact Type of Delivery on Successful Breast Feeding at Assiut University Hospital Department of Pediatrics 2004
3087 Clinical Characteristics and Quality of Life of Schizophrenic Patients Department of Psychiatric 2004
3088 Effect of Health Education and Training Program for Secondary School Students on Menstruation at Assuit Governorate Department of Pediatrics 2004
3089 A study of occupational health hazards among Assiut spinning factory workers. Department of public health 2004
3090 Quality of life of patients whit chronic Heart failure Undergoing permanent Artificial Paceml Department of medical-surgical 2004