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# Title Department Research Year
3301 The Effect of Physical Exercise as A Nursing Intervention on Management of Positive and Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenic Patients" Department of Psychiatric
3302 Effect of Rehabilitation Program on Quality of Life & Coping Strategies Among Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis at Assiut University Hospital. Department of Psychiatric
3303 Effect of Implementing A Clinical Pathway Directed Care on the Frequency of Complication Related Traumatic Brain Injury Department of critical care
3304 Effect of Therapeutic Play on Reducing Preoperative Anxiety among Children undergoing Cardiac Surgery Department of Psychiatric
3305 Effectiveness of Music Therapy on the Depression levels among Elderly at Assiut Geriatric Clubs Department of Gerontological
3306 Does a diabetic retinopathy educational program raise awareness among elderly diabetic patients? Department of Gerontological
3307 Sleep Quality and Its Relation with Depression, Anxiety and Stress of Hospitalized Psychiatric Patients Department of Psychiatric
3308 Effect of Implementing Nursing Educational Program on Re-admission for Patients with Heart Failure Department of medical-surgical
3309 Patterns and Outcomes of Abdominal Trauma Patients Admitted to Trauma Intensive Care Unit Department of critical care
3310 Nurses managers' decision making styles and it's effect on nurses' job performance. Department of Nursing Administration