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# Title Department Research Year
3271 Risk Factors for Frequency of Readmission among Heart Failure Patients Department of medical-surgical
3272 Nurses managers' decision making styles and it's effect on nurses' job performance. Department of Nursing Administration
3273 Effect of Nursing Intervention on Severity of Constipation among Elderly People at Sohag Geriatric Club, Egypt Department of Gerontological
3274 Effect of Intradialytic Hemodialysis Exercises on Fatigue and Leg cramps Department of medical-surgical
3275 Assessment the Risk Factors of Patients with Septic Shock in the Intensive Care Unit Department of critical care
3276 Impact of an educational program on knowledge and self-concept of institutionalized adolescents with conduct disorder Department of Psychiatric
3277 Respiratory Acid-Base Disorders and Related Risk Factors in Critically Ill Patients Department of critical care
3278 Effect of an educational rehabilitation program on prevention of falls after stroke Department of Gerontological
3279 Effect of Nursing Guidelines on Knowledge and Anxiety Level of Elderly Patients' Undergoing Bronchoscopy at Assuit University Hospital. Department of Gerontological
3280 Identifying the effect of a Basic life Support teaching Program on nurses’ Knowledge and skills at Emergency care unit Department of critical care