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# Title Department Research Year
3281 Effect of Modified Clinical Pathway Guidelines on Congestive Heart Failure Patient’s satisfaction at Coronary Care Unit Department of critical care
3282 Association between Perceived Stress and Coping Strategies among Nurses in Intensive Care Units Department of Psychiatric
3283 Relation between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Among School Age Children and Parent's Stress and Sense of Competence Department of Gerontological
3284 Psychological distress and Coping Strategies among Women with Breast Cancer on Chemotherapy at Assiut university Hospital Department of Psychiatric
3285 Effect of Nursing Intervention on Severity of Constipation among Elderly People at Sohag Geriatric Club, Egypt Department of Gerontological
3286 Quality of Nursing Care Provided for Neonates on Mechanical Ventilation Department of Pediatrics
3287 The effect of implementing nursing practices to support ventilation among patients with acute respiratory failure on their condition Department of critical care
3288 Effectiveness of Art Therapy on Social and Communication Skills of Patients at Assiut University Hospital Department of Psychiatric
3289 Effect of Educational Program forNurses Performance Regarding Infection Control Precautions, toward patient on Mechanical Ventilation. Department of critical care
3290 The Effect of Physical Exercise as A Nursing Intervention on Management of Positive and Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenic Patients" Department of Psychiatric