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# Title Department Research Year
3301 Effect of Modified Clinical Pathway Guidelines on Congestive Heart Failure Patient’s satisfaction at Coronary Care Unit Department of critical care
3302 Effect of Implementing Nursing Educational Program on Re-admission for Patients with Heart Failure Department of medical-surgical
3303 Correlation between Weight and Body Image among Secondary School Students Department of Psychiatric
3304 Efficacy of Posture Awareness and Neck Exercise Program on Reducing Cervical Pain Among Elderly Patients at Assiut University Hospital, Egypt Department of Gerontological
3305 Development and validation of a daily assessment tool for critically ill patients Department of critical care
3306 Impact of a psychoeducation program on reducing anger behavior of primary school students at New Assiut city Department of Psychiatric
3307 The effect of implementing nursing practices to support ventilation among patients with acute respiratory failure on their condition Department of critical care
3308 Nurses managers' decision making styles and it's effect on nurses' job performance. Department of Nursing Administration
3309 Effect of Nursing Intervention on Severity of Constipation among Elderly People at Sohag Geriatric Club, Egypt Department of Gerontological
3310 Effect of Educational Program forNurses Performance Regarding Infection Control Precautions, toward patient on Mechanical Ventilation. Department of critical care