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# Title Department Research Year
3341 Effect of Therapeutic Play on Reducing Preoperative Anxiety among Children undergoing Cardiac Surgery Department of Psychiatric
3342 Effect of Acid-Base Disorders on Mortality and Level of consciousness for Patients Admitted to Intensive Care Unit: A Prospective Observational Study Department of critical care
3343 Effect of Nursing Instructions on Self Care for Colostomy Patients Department of medical-surgical
3344 Sleep Quality and Its Relation with Depression, Anxiety and Stress of Hospitalized Psychiatric Patients Department of Psychiatric
3345 Assessment of Nursing Care on Patient’s Outcomes after Minimally Invasive and Conventional Cardiac Surgery Department of critical care
3346 Does a diabetic retinopathy educational program raise awareness among elderly diabetic patients? Department of Gerontological
3347 Clinical Outcomes Post Implementing Nursing Intervention for Intravenous Immunoglobulin Recipients. Department of critical care
3348 Psychological distress and Coping Strategies among Women with Breast Cancer on Chemotherapy at Assiut university Hospital Department of Psychiatric
3349 Impact of an Educational Program about Cancer Pain Management on Nurses' Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice at Intensive Care Unit Department of critical care
3350 Effect of physical activities program on stress level among elderly women Department of Gerontological