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# Title Department Research Year
2181 Factors affecting on work empowerment among nurses at main Assuit university hospital. Department of Nursing Administration 2013
2182 Impact of Early Ambulation on Patients Outcome Post
Transfemoral Coronary Procedures, at Assiut University Hospital
Department of critical care 2013
2183 Fertility awareness and family planning use among post abortion women in Egypt Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2013
2184 Assessment of Knowledge and Attitude about Electroconvulsive Therapy among relatives of patients with psychiatric disorders Department of Psychiatric 2013
2185 Relationship Between Self- Esteem and Psychotic Symptoms
among Psychiatric Patients at Assiut University Hospital,
Psychiatric Unite.
Department of Psychiatric 2013
2186 Assessment of Nurses’ Knowledge and Practice Related to Nursing Care of Children Undergoing Hemodialysis at Assiut City Department of Pediatrics 2013
2187 Blood Transfusion :Impact of Implementing a Design Nursing Intervention Protocol to Minimize Patient's Complication Department of medical-surgical 2013
2188 Impact of Nursing Intervention about Sleep Disturbance among Elderly Patient Department of public health 2013
2189 Critical Thinking and Clinical Judgment Skills for baccalaureate Nursing Students in EL Minia University Department of Nursing Administration 2013
2190 Impact of Knowledge about Early Ambulation on Patients Satisfaction Post Coronary Angiography at Assiut University Hospital Department of critical care 2013