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# Title Department Research Year
3061 Effect of Nutrition Education Program on Morbidity from Acute
Respiratory Tract Infections (ALRTI) among Under Five Years in
Assiut City
Department of public health 2004
3062 Clinical Characteristics and Quality of Life of Schizophrenic Patients Department of Psychiatric 2004
3063 Child maltreatment behaviors among parents in the light of socio-economic background in Assiut university Department of Pediatrics 2004
3064 Prevalence of menstrual irregularities among students faculty of nursing in Assuit university and their knowledge Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004
3065 Workplace Violence and Its Impact on Nurses' behavior and Performance Department of public health 2004
3066 Workplace Violence and Its Impact on Nurses' behavior and Performance Department of Nursing Administration 2004
3067 Impact Type of Delivery on Successful Breast Feeding at Assiut University Hospital Department of Pediatrics 2004
3068 A study of occupational health hazards among Assiut spinning factory workers. Department of public health 2004
3069 Effect of Health Education and Training Program for Secondary School Students on Menstruation at Assuit Governorate Department of Pediatrics 2004
3070 Impact Type of Delivery on Successful Breast Feeding at Assiut University Hospital Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004