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# Title Department Research Year
3271 Effect of designing Educational Program on Nurses` Performance for Immediate care of post cystectomy Patients at Intensive Care Unit Department of critical care
3272 Feeling of Depression and loneliness among Elderly people Attending Geriatric Clubs at Assiut City Department of Psychiatric
3273 Effect of Modified Clinical Pathway Guidelines on Congestive Heart Failure Patient’s satisfaction at Coronary Care Unit Department of critical care
3274 Social media addiction among adolescents: Its relationship to sleep quality and life satisfaction Department of Psychiatric
3275 Impact of Strengthening and Balance Training Exercise on Fall Risk among Elderly at Assiut Geriatric Clubs Department of Gerontological
3276 Sleep Quality and Its Relation with Depression, Anxiety and Stress of Hospitalized Psychiatric Patients Department of Psychiatric
3277 Effect of Nursing Care Guidelines for Post Anesthetic (Phase One) on Patient Outcome at Assiut University Hospital Department of critical care
3278 Does a diabetic retinopathy educational program raise awareness among elderly diabetic patients? Department of Gerontological
3279 Frustrations Facing Male Nursing Students, in Maternity curriculum, Assiut University and Their Life Satisfaction. Department of Psychiatric
3280 Effects of Nursing Program about Vacuum-Assisted Closure Therapy versus Traditional Wound Dressing, a Comparative assessment on Patients' Outcomes Department of Gerontological