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Second year students perform practical training at the University Heart Hospital

Under the patronage of Professor Dr. Ahmed Al-Minshawy, President of the University, Professor Dr. Ahmed Abdel Mawla, Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, the leadership of Professor Dr. Samah Muhammad Abdullah, Dean of the College, the supervision of Professor Dr. Fatima Rushdi, Vice President of the College for Education and Student Affairs, and the follow-up of Professor Dr. Mervat Anwar Abd. Al-Aziz, Head of the Critical Care and Emergency Nursing Department, with the participation and supervision of the faculty members and the supporting staff, the students perform the practical aspect in the laboratories and hospitals of Assiut University.

The training locations include intensive care in the heart hospital, cardiothoracic surgery care, emergency care, trauma care, general care, anesthesia care, and the rest of the critical units at the university, so that students can fully benefit from practical training. Providing adequate nursing care to critically ill patients in intensive care and emergency care. Increasing students’ skills, activating the role of students within university hospitals, investing in their energies, urging them to belong to the profession, and consolidating effective communication between students and patients within the hospital.












