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Faculty of PharmacyAssiut University
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Faculty of PharmacyAssiut University
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The Faculty's dedicated staff members and rich student activities make it a perfect environment for students' professional development and growth

Dean of The Faculty of Pharmacy
I wish you and your families a year full of happiness and success
I wish you success in studying at this prestigious faculty
The Faculty of Pharmacy - Assiut University is considered a scientific and cultural radiation center and a beacon for pharmaceutical education in its surrounding environment at the level of the governorates of Upper Egypt and the pharmaceutical factories located in the region. It is also proud to be the third faculty of pharmacy at the level of the Arab Republic of Egypt in terms of establishment and the third faculty at the level of Assiut University to obtain accreditation from The National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education, with the approval of the Authority’s Board of Directors in its session No. (102) dated 9/27/2011, it is the third faculty of pharmacy to obtain accreditation among the faculties of pharmacy at the level of the Republic and the first faculty at the level of Assiut University to obtain a renewal of the accreditation certificate from the Authority. National Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation, with the approval of the Authority’s Board of Directors at its session No. (168) on 7/19/2017. The certificate was also renewed for the second time by session No. (622) on 6/21/2023.
Studies at the faculty began in the academic year 1960-1961, and it was affiliated with the Faculty of Medicine, then it became independent in 1969. It is the third in the history of its establishment after the Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, and the Faculty of Pharmacy, Alexandria University. The faculty started graduation of students in the academic year 1965/1966, and its total graduates so far reach 18,865 graduates.
Ministerial Resolution No. 4198 was issued on 9/18/2019 issuing regulations for the Bachelor of Pharmacy (Pharm D) program with a credit hour system and regulations for the Bachelor of Pharmacy (Pharm D Clinical Pharmacy) program with a credit hour system for the academic year 2019/2020.
The faculty obtained the ISO 9001/2008 certificate in the educational process as the first faculty at the level of universities in Upper Egypt on 11/18/2009, and it was renewed for the sixth time in a row (the duration of the standard contract), the last of which was 11/3/2015. The faculty also obtained the ISO certificate in accordance with the specification. The new ISO 9001/2015 was issued on February 13, 2019 and was renewed for the sixth time in a row (the two terms of the standard contract), which expire on February 12, 2025.
I wish you knowledge that is useful to you and your country.
Prof. Gihan Nabil Hassan Fetih
Dean of the Faculty
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