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# العنوان القسم سنة البحث
3591 Effect of some Complexing Agents on the Solubility of Nalidixic Acid قسم الصيدلانيات 1986
3592 Macro- and micromorphology of Tabebuia pentaphylla Hemsil.
Part I: The stem and leaf.
قسم العقاقير 1986
3593 Vehicle influence on ocular disposition of chlortetracycline hydrochloride and chloramphenicol in albino rabbit. قسم الصيدلانيات 1985
3594 Vehicle Influence on Ocular Disposition of Chlortetracycline Hydrochloride and Chloramphenicol in Albino Rabbit.

قسم الصيدلانيات 1985
3595 Vehicle influence on ocular disposition of chlortetracycline hydrochloride and chloramphenicol in albino rabbit. قسم الصيدلانيات 1985
3596 Effect of Different Ointment Bases on Ocular Disposition of Ethylphenylephrine in Rabbit Eyes.

قسم الصيدلانيات 1985
3597 "Preparation and Evaluation of Nitrofuantion Microcapsules".

قسم الصيدلانيات 1985
3598 "Effect of Crospovidone on the In-Vitro Release of Theophylline From Polyethlene Glycol Suppository Bases".

قسم الصيدلانيات 1985
3599 Ocular bioavailability of pilocarpine hydrochloride in combination with physostigmine salicylate from different gel formulations. قسم الصيدلانيات 1985
3600 Effect of Different Ointment Bases on Ocular Disposition of Ethylphenylephrine in Rabbit Eyes.

قسم الصيدلانيات 1985