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Department of Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry


Our research spans a wide range from basic chemical, analytical, and pharmaceutical studies. Much of this research is focused on three strategic Research Themes:

Pharmaceutical analysis and quality control - Analysis of drugs in biological fluids and - Environmental monitoring.

Research within these Themes is carried out in multidisciplinary groupings focused on the discovery of novel techniques and/or enhancement of the already existing ones, analysis of drugs and compounds of pharmaceutical interest in pure form and in different formulations with the best possible sensitivity, accuracy and precision. Moreover, the basic and advanced studies that are done in the field of biological fluid analysis and environmental matrices.

The Department has major national and international collaborative research projects and a significant output of research publications in high-ranking journals (More than 400 publications up to 2010). Our academic collaborators include many Universities in USA, Canada, Japan, and a number of major European universities.

# Title Research Year
381 Ethambutol-Cobalt (II) ions complexation spectral characteristics and
applications for quantitative analysis
382 Adsorptive Square Wave Voltammetric Determination of Acyclovir and Its Application in a Pharmacokinetic Study Using a Novel Sensor of β-Cyclodextrin Modified Pencil Graphite Electrode 2015
383 Initial-Rate and Fixed-Time Kinetic Spectrophotometric Methods for Determination of Gatifloxacin in Bulk and Tablets 2015
384 Ethambutol-Cobalt (II) ions complexation spectral characteristics and
applications for quantitative analysis
385 Adsorptive Square Wave Voltammetric Determination of Acyclovir and Its Application in a Pharmacokinetic Study Using a Novel Sensor of β-Cyclodextrin Modified Pencil Graphite Electrode 2015
386 Utility of Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) for Elucidation and Simultaneous Determination of Some Penicillins and Penicilloic Acid Using Hydroxylamine Silver Nanoparticles 2015
387 Simultaneous Densitometric Determination of First
Line Anti-TB Drugs in Binary, Ternary, and Quaternary
388 Adsorptive Square Wave Voltammetric Determination of Acyclovir and Its Application in a Pharmacokinetic Study Using a Novel Sensor of β-Cyclodextrin Modified Pencil Graphite Electrode 2015
389 Different Chromatographic and Electrophoretic
Methods for Analysis of Proton Pump Inhibitors
(PPIs): A Review
390 Utility of Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) for Elucidation and Simultaneous Determination of Some Penicillins and Penicilloic Acid Using Hydroxylamine Silver Nanoparticles 2015