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Department of Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry


Our research spans a wide range from basic chemical, analytical, and pharmaceutical studies. Much of this research is focused on three strategic Research Themes:

Pharmaceutical analysis and quality control - Analysis of drugs in biological fluids and - Environmental monitoring.

Research within these Themes is carried out in multidisciplinary groupings focused on the discovery of novel techniques and/or enhancement of the already existing ones, analysis of drugs and compounds of pharmaceutical interest in pure form and in different formulations with the best possible sensitivity, accuracy and precision. Moreover, the basic and advanced studies that are done in the field of biological fluid analysis and environmental matrices.

The Department has major national and international collaborative research projects and a significant output of research publications in high-ranking journals (More than 400 publications up to 2010). Our academic collaborators include many Universities in USA, Canada, Japan, and a number of major European universities.

# Title Research Year
451 Colorimetric Method for Determination of Some 1,4-Dihydropyridine Drugs in their Tablets and Capsules 2013
452 Stability Indicating Assay and Kinetic Study for Norfloxacin Using TLC-Densitometric Method 2013
453 Highly Sensitive and Selective High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Method for Bioequivalence Study of Cefpodoxime Proxetil in Rabbit Plasma via Fluorescence Labeling of its Active Metabolite 2013
454 Comparative Study of New Spectrophotometric Methods; An Application on Pharmaceutical Binary Mixture of Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride and Hydrocortisone 2013
455 Chromatographic Determination of Aliphatic Aldehydes in Human Serum After Pre-Column Derivatization Using 2,2'-furil, a Novel Fluorogenic Reagent 2013
456 A Novel Spectrophotometric Method for Determination of Five 1,4-Dihydropyridine Drugs in Their Tablets and Capsules Using Vanillin Reagent 2013
457 Stability Indicating Assay and Kinetic Study for Norfloxacin Using TLC-Densitometric Method 2013
458 Extractive Spectrophotometric Determination of Some Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Using Methylene Blue 2013
459 A novel spectrofluorimetric determination of four anti-TB drugs in their pure and pharmaceutical dosage forms by quenching effect on the fluorescence of NBS-phenothiazine product 2013
460 Highly Reproducible SERS Detection in Sequential Injection Analysis: Real Time Preparation and Application of Photo-reduced Silver Substrate in a Moving Flow-Cell 2013