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اضغط على رابط النتيجة 👇 نتيجة دكتور الصيدلة المهني لطلاب الساعات المعتمدة الفصل الأول للعام الدراسي 2022/2023
اضغط على رابط النتيجة 👇 نتيجة دبلوم الدراسات العليا التخصصي فى( التغذية العلاجية - الميكروبيولوجيا والمناعة - الكيمياء الشرعية والسموم - مستحضرات التجميل - صيدلة المستشفيات - الصيدلة الإكلينيكية)…
God willing, A meeting of the committee for community and environmental development will hold on Tuesday, April 11, 2023   at 10:00 AM In the office of Vice Dean for Community Services and…
The Department of Clinical Pharmacy has the honor to invite you to attend the scientific conference (faculty member and assistant staff) of the department This will be at exactly one o’clock (noon)…
God willing, the laboratories and scientific equipment committee will hold its meeting on Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at eleven (AM)  in the office of Vice Dean for Community Services and Environmental…
God willing, The Executive Committee meeting will be held on Monday, April 10, 2023 at ten (AM) the Faculty Council Hall - the fifth floor (administrative building)                Dean of the …
God willing, the meeting of the Libraries Committee at the College of Pharmacy will be held on Monday, April 10, 2023 at eleven (AM) at the invitation of Professor Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Abd El-Mawla…