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The balance compensation salt water Subsidized there for and its effect on some Biochemistry and physiological variables for endurance players

مؤلف البحث
Dr, Nagla Abrahiem *
Dr, Mostafa Ibrahem
ملخص البحث

This study aims at comparing between the effect of water compensation and on the Biochemistry and physiological variables and numerical level of 10 meters run.
- Both researchers used the experimental method by applying per- test and post- test as an experimental design.
- The study sample was purposely chosen, sized 8 of long distance players in Assuit clubs.
- They created the first experiment through compensated the players by water only without any addition (%100) of looses water.
- They created the second experiment after two weak over the same sample and with the same steps and order, but compensate the players to gaine bat added water, flavored fruits and the proportion of algelesrol and positivement salts such as sodium- potassium- mg.
- Both researchers measured the following variables (heart rate- blood pressure- temperature- lactic rate- muscular tension - the level of PH- numerical level). After results showing and discussing, they found that body compensation by salt water therefor leds to the maintain of the level of Biochemistry and physiological variables (under study) which results improvement in numerical level of 10 k.m.
- They recommends the importance of providing players with salt water therefore during competition and training to improve the numerical level of the endurance player.

مجلة البحث
Assiut Journal of Arts and Sciences, Physical Education
المشارك في البحث
Physical Education
تصنيف البحث
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