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قسم علم النبات والميكروبيولوجي

مهمتنا هي توليد المعرفة وأعداد الباحثين والقادة والخريجين في مختلف مجالات علوم النبات والعلوم الميكروبية والتكنولوجيا الحيوية القادرة على توفير حلول للتحديات الصناعية والصحية والزراعية والبيئية.

يمكنك استكشاف مخزون المعرفة لدينا لإثراء معلوماتك عن أبحاث ومنشورات علم النبات والأحياء الدقيقة.

# عنوان البحث سنة البحث
121 Diversity of seed-coat structure and thickness among six genera representing tribes Sophoreae, Crotalarieae, and Genisteae (Papilionoideae, Fabaceae) in Egypt 2022
122 Attenuating Effect of an Extract of Cd-Hyperaccumulator Solanum nigrum on the Growth and Physio-chemical Changes of Datura innoxia Under Cd Stress 2022
123 GC–MS analysis, cytotoxicity, and molecular docking studies of bioactive alkaloids extracted from tomato leaves inoculated with endophytic fungus Beauveria sp. AUMC 15401 2022
124 Microbial and microscopic investigations to assess the susceptibility of Candida parapsilosis and Prototheca ciferrii for the phyco-synthesized titanium dioxide nanoparticles … 2022
125 Antimicrobial Efficacy of Glass Ionomer Cement in Incorporation with Biogenic Zingiber officinale Capped Silver-Nanobiotic, Chlorhexidine Diacetate and Lyophilized Miswak 2022
126 Coupling phenol bioremediation and biodiesel production by Tetradesmus obliquus: Optimization of phenol removal, biomass productivity and lipid content 2022
127 Evaluation of Cellulases Production by Aspergillus niger ‎Using Response Surface Methodology 2022
128 Growth behavior, phenol removal and lipid productivity of microalgae in mixotrophic and heterotrophic conditions under synergistic effect of phenol and bicarbonate for biodiesel production 2022
129 Improving The Properties of The Egyptian Hard Cheese (Ras Type) with Adding Some Probiotic Lactobacillus spp. as Adjunct Cultures 2022
130 Hydrogen sulfide modulates salinity stress in common bean plants by maintaining osmolytes and regulating nitric oxide levels and antioxidant enzyme expression 2022