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Botany and Microbiology Department

Our mission is to generate knowledge and produce researchers, leaders, and graduates in various fields in Plant Sciences, Microbial Sciences and Biotechnology who are capable of providing solutions to industrial, health, agricultural and environmental challenges.

You can explore our Knowledge stock to know more about Botany and Microbiology researches and publications.

# Title Research Year
1371 A simple approach to water and plankton sampling for water microbiological and physicochemical characterizations at various depths in aquatic ecosystems
1372 The role of antioxidants enzymes of E. coli ASU3, a tolerant strain to heavy metals toxicity, in combating oxidative stress of copper. 2010
1373 Screening of fungi associated with grains and animal feeds in Al-Bayda Governorate, Libya 2010
1374 Relative virulence of two isolates of Beauveria bassiana (balsamo) vuillemin and one isolate of Metarhizium anisopliae (metsch.) (fungi: hyphomycetes) against the cotton leafworm, Spodoptera littoralis (boisd.) 2010
1375 Characterization and kinetics of uptake and bidirectional hydrogenase in Cylindrospermum. 2009
1376 Study of the diversity, distribution and phytopathogenecity of phyllosphere and phylloplane mycobiota of newly reclaimed areas at Assiut, Upper Egypt 2009
1377 Acceleration and enrichment of
composting date palm residues by introducing different microorganisms.
1378 Biosorption of hexavalent chromium using biofilm of E. coli supported on granulated activated carbon. 2009
1379 kojic acid production by some fungi using agro-industrial by-products 2009
1380 Exogenous ascorbic acid or thiamine increases resistance of sunflower and maize plants to salt stress. 2009