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Folk mediation methods in resolving community conflicts ( critical analytic vision )
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Hassan El-Brieary
Department of community organization, faculty of social work, Assiut university,

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Scientific journal of social work : applied studies and researches
It's a specialized refereed scientific journal, semi-annual issued in ( June – December ) , published by faculty of social work at Assuituniversity
faculty of social work at Assuituniversity
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The research paper abstract :
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The study pointed to the importance of folk mediation , its role in resolving community conflicts , the community acceptance and the voluntary obedience for its decisions.
In addition to that, there are no accurate statistics about these organizations and about the huge amount of members who contribute voluntarily and the great loads which they bear. Beside what resources these organizations provide for governmental organizations ( NGOs) which contribute in achieving social security and strengthening social justice.
This raises many questions about how to improve these folk mediators methods in resolving community conflicts.
So, this study aimed to describe and analyze folk mediation methods and set future vision to develop its methods to face conflicts in local community.This is through studying the international experience and the available heritage about mediation generally and folk mediation specially.
The study includes also the description and analysis of folk mediation methods to face conflicts in local community, and recognition of current development in practicing these methods.
This study sets the necessary procedural steps for future vision to develop folk mediation methods to face conflicts in local community.