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Alumni News and Updates


Alumni News and Updates

The Social therapy and family counseling center in partnership with the (comprehensive care for…
The treatment social therapy center and family counseling was training graduated students to know…
The Social therapy and family counseling center treated with individual cases within and outside…
The social committee at the Faculty of Social Work will share with the Chess tournament wich…
Aggravating notice: Don't allow for any student to enter the exam place with a mobile phone or…
Libraries Committee has been held today Monday, 18/05/2015 at exactly half past twelve o'clock…
Specific Education Committee has been held today Monday, 18/05/2015 at exactly half past twelve o…
Graduate Studies Committee has been held today Monday, 18/05/2015 at exactly half past twelve o'…
Al Watan Journal documenting the events on on the 17th graduates of Faculty Of Social Work
Rozalyousef Journal documenting the events on on the 17th graduates of Faculty Of Social Work