Quality Assurance Unit:
The recommendations of the Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Social Service for the university year 2009/2010م
First Special stage his bachelor's degree students:
1. The operation of computer laboratories College two terms (Sabbahi and nightly) during the summer to absorb the largest number of students first and second divisions to equip them to obtain ICDL
2. Adapting the rest of the stands of the College.
3. The processing of included "7 "for lectures students field training.
II :- special postgraduate students and members of the teaching staff
1. The provision of Internet-connected computer laboratory for postgraduate students assistants of the members of the teaching staff by 10 organs two adapt and printer.
2. The revitalization of social convoys villages of the governorate of Assiut.
3. The activation of a unit for social research.
4. The activation of a unit to combat violence and relief.
The achievements of quality assurance Unit since its inception quality assurance in the educational process is to meet quality in all the elements of the process of educational curricula and programs and institutions, students, professors and the various activities associated with the educational process with a view to develop and guarantee the continuity of improvement.
It was the beginning of the establishment of the Unit of the academic year 2004/2005م.
It have been contracted with (the draft to ensure quality forswear 1) in December 2005م on the establishment of an internal system of quality to insist the college.
Through the project was as follows:
1. The formation of the administrative structure and organizational unit.
2. The selection of the place of the Unit.
3. The founding of the Unit.
4. The purchase of the equipment and machinery required for the Unit.
5. The representation of the students in the organizational structure of the Unit as well as in the activities of the Unit.
6. The establishment of the Office of the follow-up to the graduates.
7. The work of a mechanism to receive complaints from students and distributing funds complaints in different places in the College.
8. The status of the activities of the Unit on the web site for the College on the Internet.
9. The deployment of a culture of quality among the members of the teaching staff and their collaborators, administrators and students through seminars, leaflets ومطويات.
10. Preparation and writing and the adoption of the letter the vision and strategic objectives for the College.
11. The declaration of a letter of the College in various places
12. Training of faculty members and their staffs on how to write the report of the characterization and courses through the workshops.
13. Analysis questionnaire saw students in courses of study and as a result of the distribution of the questionnaire to the scientific departments.
14. The characterization of the program and courses.
15. Awareness to transfer some Alorteura T study the decisions of the auction.
16. The help of academic standards of reference for the Council on Social Work Education in the United States until the completion of the preparation of national academic standards in the writing program ILOS Colleges and characterization of courses.
17. Report writing courses for the academic year 2007/2008.
18. The annual report is being prepared for the College of self-academic year 2008/2009 AD.
19. Preparation of databases for all departments and activities of the College.
20. Scientific Conference of the College (students - faculty)
The main objectives of the unit:
• promote a culture of quality assurance between faculty members and their assistants, administrators and students and urged them to continuing cooperation with the unit, through seminars, workshops and newsletters.
• Assessment of the educational process by measuring performance indicators.
• dissemination of culture among the faculty members and students.
• Activating the role of beneficiaries and strengthening community participation and communication with alumni.
The activities of the Faculty of Social Work
1. Description of all courses.
2. A report of all courses for the year 2008/2009-2009/2010 m
3. The work of the annual report of the College, including a college and the vision and objectives and various activities and calibration standard, academic and development plans and community participation.
4. Akdalmwtmr scientific first for young researchers in April 2009
5. The second conference of the Faculty of Social Work, entitled "Social Work and Community Development contemporary issues" in the period from April 24 to 25, 2010.
Proposals and targeted activities in the academic year 2010/2011
1. Development of a follow-up of graduates and expand community participation.
2. Modify the unit to combat violence and relief
3. Modify the unit for research community
4. Internet connection points for the teaching of graduate students (on line class)
5. Preparation of the Third Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Social Work.