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Invitation to attend a PhD discussion by researcher Rehab Aliwa Ahmed - in Home Economics specializing in clothing and textiles

Invitation to attend a PhD discussion by researcher Rehab Aliwa Ahmed - in Home Economics specializing in clothing and textiles

Discussion and Judgment Committee

Prof. Dr. Ehab Fadel is Professor of Fashion Design at the Department of Clothing and Textiles at the Faculty of Home Economics, Helwan University.

Prof. Waleed Shaaban Mustafa Professor of Leather Manufactures and Former Head of the Department of Leather Industries at the Faculty of Home Economics, Helwan University

. Prof. Dr. Taghreed Hosni Al-Dawi, Professor of Clothing and Textiles, Department of Home Economics, Faculty of Specific Education, Assiut University.

Prof. Asmaa Ali Ahmed, Assistant Professor of Clothing and Textiles, Department of Home Economics, Faculty of Specific Education, Assiut University.