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قام الدكتور شحاته غريب نائب رئيس جامعة أسيوط لشئون التعليم والطلاب اليوم بجولة تفقدية لأعمال الكشف الطبي لطلبة وطالبات الجامعة الملتحقين بكليتي العلوم والتربية النوعية فى العام الجديد 2017 / 2018…
Dr. Tarak Al Jamal, President of Assiut University, decided to pay a month of salary for all employees at the university on the occasion of the opening of the new academic year. The president of…
The third Creative Forum of the Faculties of Quality education will be held by Allah Almighty. Under the patronage of H.E Prof. Dr. Tarek El Gammal President of Assiut University H.E Prof. Dr.…
Qualifying Exam Schedule PhD 2018/2019
Invitation to attend the discussion of a master's thesis in the Faculty of Quality education of the student-Asma Fathi Abdul Rahman Fara Department of Art Education specialization of decorative…
Applications for the PhD exam in nutrition and food science
PhD Exams schedule for the academic year 2018/2019 CE
Applications for the Ph.D. in the management of the home business and family economics
Important announcement for study students raw materials required for the PhD exam
Piece of wood MDF Size 30 * 30 cm Indonesian 1 piece Wood 3mm 30*30cm Complete woodworking tools and drilling tools Engineering tools White Glue and Emery 100
/9/2018 of 9:12 clothes and fabric 3/9/2018 of 9:12 Nutrition, Science & Food 4/9/2018 A of 9:12 A home business house and family economics