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Home Economics Department prepares for new school year and school year
The papers required to apply in college
سيتم عقد لقاءات تدريبية يوم الخميس الموافق 1 أكتوبر 2020 لكافة كليات ومعاهد جامعة أسيوط أونلاين تبعاً للترتيبات التالية:- من الساعة 10 صباحاً وحتى 12 ظهراً تدريب خاص بمديري النظام IT Admins…
Medical screening dates for new students at Assiut University
The President of Assiut University announces the completion of the first phase of the project to equip the first electronic examination halls and the start of the second phase with a capacity of 1,…
Assiut University President announces return of student activities during the next academic year
Dr. Saeed Mostafa, wood works teacher in the Department of Art Education, is progressing.
The electronic services unit is progressed by Dr. Yasser Fadl - Assistant Professor of Photography in the Department of Technical Education
Assiut University calls on colleges to take advantage of the benefits of the electronic platform In providing educational services and not relying on social networking sites
Vice-Chancellor of Assiut University opens "Case" exhibition by Saeed Mustafa and inspects graduate examination committees at the Faculty of Quality Education
Assiut University announces for the second time the launch of 240 new apartments for ownership in the city of Rehab as a new installment for the members of the insurance fund
Vice-Chancellor of Assiut University reviews the university's preparations for the implementation of preventive and preventive measures for the coronavirus as the start of the university's study…