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An invitation to attend the master's degree in the Technical Education Department specialization of decorative design for students/Rabab Mohammed Alaa
An invitation to attend the Simanar in the Technical Education Department specialization of the students \ Rukia Abu Qasem Zidan
Consolation duty-family of Electronic Services Unit family student/Irene Fawzi Ibrahim
An invitation to attend the master's degree in the Home Economics department specializing in clothing and fabric for students/Rawda Mahmoud Ahmed
An invitation to attend Semanar in the Department of Musical Education Specialization of Arabic Music (law) for the scholar/Donia Abdel Fattah Mohamed
An invitation to attend the master's degree in the Home Economics department specializing in clothing and fabric for students/Dalia Anwar Mahmood
A duty of consolation--the family of the College of Quality education is being mourned with greater grief and sorrow.
Announcement of a trip to Alexandria
An invitation to attend the Simanar in the Technical Education Department specialization of ceramic printing for students/Walaa Ibrahim Osman
Announcement of a trip to the Coca Cola factory
An invitation to attend the master's degree in the Department of Art Education Specialization in sculpture/Nora Husni Ali Sayed
Declaration of the Cooperative General Assembly and housing