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Schedule for the first semester of the academic year 2019/2020 Department of Technical Education 4th Division (provisional schedule) اليوم الوقت سكشن 1 سكشن 2 سكشن 3 سكشن 4 سكشن5…
Schedule for the first semester of the academic year 2019/2020 Division of Musical Education 3rd Division اليوم التوقيت سكشن(أ) سكشن(ب) سكشن (جـ) الأحد 8-9 تدريب سمع(3) (نظري)  د…
First semester schedule Department of Home Economics for the academic year 2019-2020 3rd Division (not final) اليوم  الوقت سكشن 1 سكشن 2 سكشن 3 الأحد 10:8 (محاضره ) تصميم الأزياء…
Schedule for the first semester of the academic year 2019/2020 Department of Technical Education 3rd Division (provisional schedule) اليوم الوقت سكشن 1 سكشن 2 سكشن 3   الأحد 2:8…
Schedule for the first semester of the academic year 2019/2020 Division of Musical Education Division 2nd Division اليوم التوقيت سكشن(أ) سكشن(ب) سكشن (جـ) الأحد 8-10 تحليل…
Table story (autumn) for the academic year 2019 - 2020 specialty (clothing and textile) اليوم الوقت اسم الماده القائم بالتدريس الاحد 3:2 حاسب الى فى مجال الملابس (1) نظرى أ…
First semester schedule Department of Home Economics for the academic year 2019-2020 Second Division (not final) اليوم  الوقت سكشن 1 سكشن 2 سكشن 3 الأحد 10:8 (تطبيقي) اختيار…
Schedule for the first semester of the academic year 2019/2020 Department of Technical Education Division 2nd Division (temporary schedule) اليوم الوقت سكشن1 سكشن2 سكشن3 سكشن4…
Schedule for the first semester of the academic year 2019/2020 Division of Musical Education First Division اليوم التوقيت سكشن(أ) سكشن(ب) سكشن (جـ) الأحد 8-10 معمل علم الصوت (…
Schedule for the first semester of the academic year 2019/2020 Department of Education Technology Division 2nd Division
Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday ladies Monday, Saturday and Wednesday menFor inquiry and enquiry go to the club management 
I received to the heavenly glories the mother of the student / Samuel Karmi lamy student in the fourth division department of technical education and the college family and students of the college…