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The renewal of the Dr / Fred and raised serious - work as an agent of the Faculty of Specific Education for Community Service and Environmental Development

In accordance with the provisions of the law governing the universities, based on the book of Prof. Dr. / Mansour Ibrahim Mansi Dean of the Faculty of Specific Education, Assiut University , dated 06/01/2014 , containing the proposal to renew the nomination of Dr. / and my grandfather raised Fred - Assistant Professor, Department of Art Education , Faculty of Specific Education - University of Assiut agent College for Community Service and Environmental Development has issued Prof. Dr. / Mohamed Abdel Samie holiday - President of the University of Assiut resolution No. (66) dated 09/01/2014 the renewal of the Dr / Fred raised serious and Assistant Professor, Department of Art Education , Faculty of specific Education - Assiut University work The agent for the Faculty of Specific Education for Community Service and Environmental Development, and so for another year with effect from 12.29.2013 .