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Egyptian artist / Mansour Ibrahim Mansi participate in Symposium (sculpture Dubai 2013 - the initial session)

Participates Egyptian artist / Mansour Ibrahim Mansi professor sculpture and Dean of the Faculty of Specific Education, Assiut University in Symposium (Sculpture Dubai 2013 - the first session), organized by Culture and Science Symposium from 18 February to March 8, 2013 has been reported sovereignty that his participation comes in response to the invitation to him Symposium by an Egyptian artist and he will take part to the work of carving raw marble. Citing several newspapers and the media and news agencies in the UAE and Arab should be noted that this Asambouzayom will kick off its effectiveness in the emirate of Dubai with the participation of 13 Arab countries, including all of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Lebanon, Sultanate of Oman, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Libya, Bahrain, Qatar , Palestine, Syria, Kuwait, Tunisia in addition to the host country of the United Arab Emirates Has announced Professor / Sultan Saqr Al Suwaidi - Chairman Culture and Science Symposium in Dubai that Asambouzayom aims to strengthen the role of the state in the field of fine arts and creative statement ability Emirate art to keep up with developments in the world and create mobility in the field of sculpture and the exchange of cultures and expertise and build brick by this art in the state in addition to friction new artistic methods through artists of the Arab world Added Dr. / Abd al-Khaliq Abd Allah - Board Member and Chairman of the Cultural Committee seminar Culture and Science in Dubai that the symposium is keen to diversify its activities to include sculpture and keep up with trends in new and add this color to the ring cultural active in the UAE as THD P seminar Beauty Dubai acts sculptural value international arts. And confirmed the Preparatory Committee on the importance and value and prestige participating artists and their size in the countries they represent of the artistic Arab is expected to effectively echoes and wide, especially that it will hold various workshops attended by university students and specialists from universities in the country are in the promotion of expertise and development capabilities and contribute to the sustainability of mobility artistic UAE has chosen Preparatory Committee artist / Sami Mohammed from Kuwait as guest of honor for the first session as a artists Kuwaitis and distinguished Arab and who have a history and is considered an essential part of the beginnings of the movement Fine Kuwaiti and because of its artist of experience ancient and achievements wide and tender privileged in this technical field.