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Sculpture cycle kicks off in Dubai with the participation of Egyptian artist Dr. / Mansi

Launched the first session of the sculpture in Dubai and involving Egyptian artist Dr. / forgotten Mansour - Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Sculpture Education Alenaih - Assiut University The Minister of Culture Emirati in his speech at the opening forum will continue artists sculptors Arabs to work civilization in sculpture in Dubai and identify Klvan in permanent dialogue between him and the work of art itself also stressed Professor / Sultan Saqr Al Suwaidi - Chairman of the Cultural Seminar and science in Dubai and organized cycle sculpture that Asambouzayom aims to strengthen the role of the state in the field of visual arts and creative statement artist's ability UAE to keep up with developments in the world and create mobility in the field of sculpture and exchange Althagafat and expertise and building block for this art in the country in addition to the; Tkak by methods new art by artists of the world Arab from 13 Arab countries who involved in Asambouzayom. Participates artists work sketches and models stereoscopic participating artist Dr. evangelized forgotten - Professor sculpture festival Faculty of Specific Education, Assiut University action statue sculpture is derived from the concept of tree maker of human civilization and the concept of civilization as to the implications of the tree of Dzorha and branches and leaves sends features fraternity and permanent dialogue between the various nationalities human According to the artist forgotten that the statue Co of its stone, up 3 meters and was inspired by the temple Pharaonic and will artists participating Arab Republic of Egypt, Lebanon, Sultanate of Oman, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Libya, Bahrain, Qatar, Palestine, Syria, Kuwait, Tunisia