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Assiut University launches its call "Peoples against extremism and terrorism" as the theme of the second forum of Peoples' Week in the presence of representatives of 30 Arab and African countries

The second forum of Peoples Week, organized by Assiut University under the auspices of Dr. Khalid Abdul Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education, was launched on Wednesday morning, March 23, 2022, under the auspices of Dr. Khalid Abdul Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education, who witnessed the presence of Major General Essam Saad, Governor of the Province, Major General Mohib Habashi, Commander of the Southern Military Region, Dr. Tarek Jamal, President of Assiut University, Dr. Shehata Gharib, Vice President of the University for Education and Students Affairs, dr. Taya Abdul Latif, Advisor to the Minister of Higher Education for Student Activities, and Stars of Journalism and Media Professor Professor Mahmoud Musallam, Professor Imad al-Din Hussein, Engineer Ashraf Rashad, Majority Leader of the House of Representatives, Major General Staff Mahmoud Al-Ghatabi, former Director of the Faculty of National Defense, Dr. Nazir Ayad, Secretary General of the Islamic Research Complex, Professor Tarek Saada, Media Captain, Mr. Santo of Sudan representing the participating delegations, and student Abdul Rahman Rashad, President of the University Student Union, in the presence of Dr. Ahmed Al-Manshawi, Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs with a group of executive and popular leaders And security and senior clerics, media and university leaders in Assiut.

In the speech of Major General Essam Saad, Governor of Assiut, his sovereignty praised the international activity of Assiut University and its enlightening and cultural role in society, stressing the importance of the second forum of Peoples Week, which is held at Asyut University for the second year and its important role in raising the value of peace and tolerance and spreading it among all peoples inside and outside Egypt, especially in the crimes witnessed by the world of extremism, destruction and terrorism, which Egypt strongly confronted in its war to confront the currents of violence, demolition and extremist ideas pointing to the efforts of the Egyptian state under the leadership of the Egyptian state. President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, President of the Republic, stresses the importance of intellectual and religious tolerance and the dissemination of a culture that accepts the other, which the University of Assiut is doing freely and sincerely in the light of this huge crowd of diverse attendees and students from different countries of the Arab, African and foreign world.

General Staff Mohib Habashi, commander of the southern military region, also stressed the keenness of the southern region to participate in the forum based on the belief of the armed forces in the role of youth and their importance in building the homeland, which was evident in the efforts of President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in supporting and caring for young people, stressing the ability of Egypt and Egyptians to refute terrorism and confront the forces of evil and sabotage, until president Sisi's announcement of the new republic, which is characterized by features of security, stability, progress and development and remains open to all countries Arab and African sister and affirm the right of peoples to peace and security.

During his speech, Dr. Tarek Al-Jamal, President of Assiut University, expressed his pride and pride in launching the second edition of the People's Forum in light of this mass participation of delegations of about 30 Arab and African countries from students in all Egyptian universities, which is an affirmation of the civilized and modern role of Assiut University, which is based on the efforts of President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi, President of the Republic aimed at empowering young people as a model and role model in order to provide all means of support and care for its children, students from Egyptians and expatriates. The students in it not only at the scientific level but also on the level of building intellectual and cultural awareness of young people, which made the university an advanced position, local, international and civil to be ranked among the top five Egyptian universities, as well as made it ranked among the best universities in the world, concluding his speech by confirming his welcome to the audience and welcome their presence on the land of Egypt their second homeland.

During his speech, Dr. Shehata Gharib, Vice President of the University for Education and Students Affairs, revealed that the inspiration for the idea of the People's Week Forum was inspired by the idea of President Abdel Fattah El Seesi in his speech at the United Nations Forum, hence the idea of the first forum of Peoples Week, which carried the slogan of peace we build the future of peoples as the forum comes in line with the program of building intellectual and cultural awareness adopted by the University over the past years in support of the efforts of President Sisi in this regard, pointing out that the program Building awareness since the beginning witnessed the convening of dozens of conferences and seminars that addressed the most important national issues ongoing and the most important challenges facing the Egyptian state and the efforts it is witnessing for development and construction, as well as included a number of trips to the most important national projects as well as leaders preparation camps organized by youth welfare, as noted Dr. Shehata Gharib from the program of the forum and extended until next Sunday, whose activities vary between intellectual, cultural, artistic and sports with the participation of a selection of symbols and prominent figures in those fields.

Dr. Taya Abdel Latif, advisor to the Minister of Higher Education for student activities, also praised the idea of the forum and its organization on that huge level of participants, which is characterized by the participation of the councils of student unions from various Egyptian universities and that constellation of public figures from different fields, pointing out the momentum and movement of Egyptian universities continuously moving between different Egyptian universities, pointing out that the forum highlights the importance of art and soft power in the progress of the country and building its civilization, directing a special greeting to the men of the armed forces And what they are doing in their national effort in preserving the homeland, also paying tribute to the youth welfare departments of all Egyptian universities for their concerted and cooperative efforts in various fields of student activities.

Representatives of delegations from Egypt, South Sudan, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Palestine and Mali also delivered speeches in which they stressed that the forum emphasizes Egypt's standing, leadership and constant quest to remain as it has always been the land of civilization and the right religion and the locomotive of science, culture and art in the Arab world and Africa, which always prompts it to carry out its national and regional responsibility in preparing enlightened generations armed with science, culture and the ability to innovate and creativity, offering sincere thanks and gratitude to the University of Assiut and egypt under the leadership of President Sisi for what it offers. From unprecedented support to the advancement of young people and their empowerment and support in the way of realizing their dreams and aspirations and the development of their country, stressing that he is truly the leader of the Arab world and Africa.

The opening included the screening of a number of documentaries on the "Epic of the Barth", which provides a quick overview of the heroic epic led by the valiant armed forces led by martyr Ahmed al-Mansi in defending their position and countering the terrorist attack, which was presented by the organizing committee of the forum in cooperation with the multimedia laboratory at the Faculty of Computers, as well as a brief film about the University of Assiut and its advanced possibilities in various fields,  Also, a performance of the song "Gathered" peoples' week forum, which brings together Egyptian university students and expatriates of various nationalities under the supervision of the Department of Musical Education headed by Dr. Montaser Al-Qalai, head of the department at the University's Faculty of Quality Education.