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Field visit to the Embassy of Knowledge Library of Alexandria at the Central Library university to learn about the services provided by the Embassy of Knowledge

Field visit to the Embassy of Knowledge Library of Alexandria at the Central Library university to learn about the services provided by the Embassy of Knowledge

As part of the keenness of the faculty administration to facilitate the process of scientific research and facilitate access to the scientific and research possibilities of the faculty members and gentlemen of their assistants, researchers and students, the library management organized a field visit to the Embassy of Knowledge Library alexandria library in the central library university to learn about the services provided by the Embassy of Knowledge provided by embassies services to:

Faculty and university staff.
Various campus pioneers.
 Embassies allow their patrons to use all the library's scientific databases, whose subjects vary to include all human sciences and knowledge, by providing full texts and summaries to a range of the most important scientific journals.
Dar Digital Asset Repository, which contains complete copies of books, periodicals and scientific messages available in the library in digital form
Note that: The book is available in full inside the embassy, while outside it only 5% of the content of the book can be found)
Embassies have access to all versions of the library that have been published since the opening of the library.