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The Governor of Assiut is witnessing a major celebration, a parade and a march for national unity, youth, "able to vary" and carnival cars on the occasion of the national day of the province

Major General Essam Saad, governor of Assiut, witnessed a major celebration on Monday evening in front of the general office of the province as part of the celebrations of the national day of the province, which falls on April 18th of each year, which included various artistic and folklore carnival performances, including the municipal flute and popular arts, a march for the bearers of flags and youth, the march of the national unity of Islamic and Christian clerics and a parade line that extended about one kilometer on Corniche Street through the general office of the province and up to the field of war and peace in which about 1000 participants of youth, sports, students and students participated Education and teams of the Directorate of Culture, students of Assiut University, Al-Azhar University, Sphinx University, representatives of city and district councils, directorates of social sit-ins, health and the regional authority for tourism activities carrying the flag of Egypt and olive branches amid the chanting of national songs that won the approval of the masses of citizens who were keen to watch the ceremony.

The ceremony was attended by Major General Dr. Omar Al-Suwaifi, Director of Assiut Security, Major General Engineer Shaker Younis, Secretary General of the Province, Brigadier General Alaa Abdul Ghabar, Assistant Secretary General of the Province, Colonel Ahmed al-Qadi in the national security sector, Dr. Mohammed Abdul Malik, Vice President of Al-Azhar University for tribal face, Fadela Sheikh Dr. Assem Qubisi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Endowments, Anba Thawefels, Bishop of Manflot and its aftermath, pastor Bassem Adly, Pastor Reza Thabet, representatives of the Evangelical Church of Assiut, and Pastor Alogius, representative of the Ibarish monastery.Dr. Khalaf Ammar, Director of the Preaching and Religious Media Area, Dr. Ali Abdul Hafiz, President of the Azhari Region of Assiut, Magdi Salim, Ali Mehran, Adel Hijazi, Hamda Qureshi, Mustafa Kahili, members of the Al-Shayuh Council, Dr. Mansour Kabash, President of Sphinx University, Dr. Wajdi Nakhla, Dean of the Faculty of Quality Education at Assiut University, agents of the ministries of social solidarity, youth, sports, education, heads of centers, cities, neighborhoods, members of the Executive Council, many executive, security and religious leaders, journalists and media professionals, and hundreds of citizens who lined up  To watch the performances, dozens of teams competed in the parade queue, and some children took to the carnival cars, which were decorated with some inscriptions and wore Pharaonic clothes, while some national songs were performed.

During his speech, the Governor of Assiut congratulated the citizens and people of the province on the occasion of the national day, which embodies the heroism of the great Assiut people and the people of the village of Bani Adiyat in sacrificing and defending the homeland against the French campaign in 1799 and gave their lives to sacrifice the pride and dignity of the country, stressing that the province seeks through the celebrations of the National Day to highlight the fruits of the efforts and work made during the previous period of development and service projects and motivate and appeal to the people in the heart and conscience of the citizen to continue the path of struggle, work and find to achieve Prosperity for our dear country under the leadership of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and the efforts of the state with its organs and the government with its tools and potential within the framework of a specific vision, namely the vision of Egypt 2030  Pointing out that the national day this year will witness the opening of a number of service and development projects that took place under President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on the land of Assiut and some projects implemented during the presidential initiative a decent life and the national project to develop the Egyptian countryside in a number of vital sectors, services and facilities to improve all services provided to citizens and change the reality of their lives better and more comprehensively and to bring about a fundamental change in the standard of living of the most needy groups reviewing the most important national projects that have been carried out and projects that have been carried out Nearly 1,200 projects are being implemented in the province at a total cost of approximately EGP 25 billion to provide a decent life for citizens and to promote the desired development.

The celebration of the national peace of the Arab Republic of Egypt began and read verses from the wise male and then stand a minute of mourning and read fatiha on the souls of the righteous martyrs of Egypt, after which the parade began, which included the campaign of the flags of Jahmouriya and the flags of the province, and then the march of national unity among dozens of Islamic and Christian clerics, which embodies tolerance and love between the elements of the Egyptian nation, and the launch of the bath of peace followed by the group of scouts and karate group, which presented sports performances and then A group of parliamentarians from youth and sports and a march capable of different concerns and the queue of a pharaonic presentation of the Regional Tourism Revitalization Authority and general education groups from kindergartens, sports schools, technical education groups (industrial-commercial-hotel-agricultural), youth center groups, ngo youth and civil society institutions of the Directorate of Social Solidarity, a march for doctors and nursing, youth of Azhar institutes, drinking water and sanitation company in Assiut, New Valley, university youth groups (Asyut-Azhar-Sphinx) and red crescent  The ambulance and culture teams in Assiut, which performed performances of folk art and skirts and concluded with a march of carnival cars belonging to centers, neighborhoods, bodies and companies, which embody the features of Assiut province, was prepared and supervised by the director artist Mohamed Juma, Ahmed Al-Adfawy, director of public relations in the province, and Mohammed al-Nimr, director general of artistic education in Assiut.


For their part, a number of citizens expressed their happiness with this day and the joy present in it, where some women participated in the zugared and citizens chanted national songs with the celebration and amid the playing of national music expressing their appreciation for the efforts made by the state to improve living conditions, stressing that they stand behind their president and government in development efforts that include all aspects of life.

It should be noted that Assiut province has prepared a program for this occasion and show it properly for such a national and national occasion, which the citizen expects annually, which sees the opening of many projects