Key Dates
The academic year usually starts by the end of September and lasts for 30 weeks. As for the midterm vacation will be two weeks starting from the date issued by the University council.
Each Student will apply in one of the University's faculties in order to obtain a Bachelor degree from the university. The student’s application will be upon a request submitted by the student to apply at AUN before the beginning of the academic year.
Please Note that the student cannot apply in more-than one faculty at a time.
After finishing all the admission procedures and paying the fees, The student’s name will be listed in the university and will be a folder including all the student’s papers such as:
The Needed papers to be enrolled in the university
The academic status of the student and must be dated (registration- exams- results- degrees).
Disciplinary sanctions report imposed on the student.
A report of the student’s activities (social- sports- military)
Below you can find all the important dates regarding the academic year 2019/2020