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Advancing High-Throughput MS-Based Protein Quantification: A Case Study on Quantifying 10 Major Food Allergens by LC-MS/MS Using a One-Sample Multipoint External Calibration Curve

Research Authors
Shupeng Yang, Haopeng Lin, Peijie Yang, Junhong Meng, Mohamed F. Abdallah, Yingnan Shencheng, Ruohan Li, Jianxun Li, Shuyan Liu, Qianqian Li, Peng Lu, Rong Zhang, and Yi Li
Research Abstract

The LC-MS-based method has emerged as the preferred approach for quantifying food allergens. However, the preparation of a traditional calibration curve (MSCC) is labor-intensive and error-prone. Here, a sensitive and robust LC-MS/MS method for quantifying 10 major food allergens was developed and validated, where the one-sample multipoint external calibration curve (OSCC) was employed instead of MSCC. By employing the multiple isotopologue reaction monitoring (MIRM) technique with only one spiked level in the blank, OSCC can be effectively established. Results demonstrate that the proposed method exhibits excellent performance in selectivity, sensitivity, accuracy, and precision, comparable to that of the traditional MSCC. Additionally, this strategy allows for isotope sample dilution by monitoring the less abundant MIRM channel. Moreover, the developed method was successfully applied to investigate the contamination of 10 food allergens in commercial food products. With its high throughput and robustness, the MIRM-OSCC-LC-MS/MS methodology has many potential applications, especially in the MS-based protein quantification analysis.

Research Date
Research Department
Research Journal
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Research Member
Research Publisher
American Chemical Society
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Research Pages