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# عنوان البحث المشارك في البحث سنة البحث
31 Congenital urethral dilatation in cattle calves: Diagnosis and surgical intervention د. كمال الدين هانى حسين يوسف 2020
32 Congenital urethral dilatation in cattle calves: Diagnosis and surgical intervention د. احمد عبد الرحيم ابراهيم صادق 2020
33 Congenital urethral dilatation in cattle calves: Diagnosis and surgical intervention أ.د.ماجدة محمود على عمر 2020
34 Vascular reconstruction: A major challenge in developing a functional whole solid organ graft from decellularized organs
د. كمال الدين هانى حسين يوسف 2020
35 Congenital urethral dilatation in cattle calves: Diagnosis and surgical intervention د. كمال الدين هانى حسين يوسف 2020
36 Development of biocompatible tri-layered nanofibers patches with endothelial cells for cardiac tissue engineering
د. كمال الدين هانى حسين يوسف 2020
37 Optimization of the effectiveness and cytocompatibility of Nigella
sativa as a co-treatment for reducing methotrexate-related
adverse effects
د. طارق محمد عبدالموجود صالح 2019
38 Clinical blood gas indices and histopathological effects of intrathecalinjection of tolfenamic acid and lidocaine Hcl in donkeys د. محمد احمد حمدى عبد الحكيم على 2019
39 Doppler ultrasonographic evaluation of brachial and femoral veins, and coagulation and lipid profiles in dogs following open splenectomy
أ.د.أحمد فتحى محمد أحمد 2019
40 A Prospective, Non-Controlled, Randomised, Clinical Trial of Abdominal Adhesions following Coeliotomy: Do Risk Factors Predispose to Surgical, Physiological and Histopathological Aetiologies?-An Analytical Study in Rabbit Models أ.د.هارون على يوسف حسين 2019