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# عنوان البحث المشارك في البحث سنة البحث
131 Fabrication of a biodegradable xenoantigen-free rat liver scaffold for potential drug screening applications
د. كمال الدين هانى حسين يوسف 2013
132 Sterilization using electrolyzed water highly retains the biological properties in tissue-engineered porcine liver scaffold د. كمال الدين هانى حسين يوسف 2013
133 Unilateral orchidectomy in donkey (Equus asinus): Evaluation of different surgical techniques, histological and morphological changes on remaining testis أ.د.هارون على يوسف حسين 2013
134 Unusual case of pre-reticular abscess in a buffalo (A case report). د. طارق محمد عبدالموجود صالح 2013
135 Unusual case of pre-reticular abscess in a buffalo (A case report). د. محمد احمد حمدى عبد الحكيم على 2013
136 A Successful Surgical Approach for Treatment of the Spastic Paresis in two Calves (Short communication) أ.د.هارون على يوسف حسين 2013
137 Acquired subcutaneous bursitis in buffaloes and cattle أ.د.محمد محمد عبدالرحمن سميكة 2013
138 Osteocalcin and Parathyroid
Hormone Receptor as Osteogenic
Specific Transcripts Expressed during Osteogenesis of Mouse Adipose Tissue-Derived Adult Stem Cells
د. كمال الدين هانى حسين يوسف 2013
139 Fabrication of a Biodegradable Xenoantigen-Free Rat Liver Scaffold for Potential Drug Screening Applications د. كمال الدين هانى حسين يوسف 2013
140 Acquired subcutaneous bursitis in buffaloes and cattle أ.د.نبيل أحمد على محمد مسك 2013