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comparison between using of BUPAQUONE and other compounds in treatment of bovine theileriosis

مؤلف البحث
Amira Al-Hosary, Ahmed Abdel-Rady, Laila Salah Ahmed and Amr Mohamed
ملخص البحث

The study included that 35 clinically infected cattle were subjected for the clinical therapeutic trail. The
age of these animals ranged from one day to above five years old. In the clinical therapeutically trail we
used BUPAQUONE® as a new drug for treatment of tropical theileriosis it gave 91.4 % as an accuracy
rate in general but if the diseased animals detected and treated as early as possible the accuracy rate
reached 100%, in cases that complicated with respiratory signs the accuracy rate depended on the type
of antibiotic that used as a treatment for control of the respiratory affection. Cases that received
BUPAQUONE with Oxyteteracycline hydrochlorid as antibiotic therapy for diseased animals the
accuracy rate was 81.8% but in cattle that received BUPAQUONE with Marbofloxacine as antibiotic
therapy the accuracy rate was 93.3%. So we can conclude that Marbofloxacine is more preferred as
antibiotic treatment in cases of tropical theileriosis that suffered from respiratory signs.
We concluded that, Bupaquone® is recommended as a treatment for tropical theileriosis but in some
cases that are complicated with respiratory signs using of antibiotics are recommended such as
Marbofloxacine 10% which recorded higher rate of recovery than Oxyteteracycline 20% long acting in
control of respiratory complication of the tropical theileriosis

قسم البحث
مجلة البحث
International Journal for Agro Veterinary and Medical Sciences (IJAVMS)
المشارك في البحث
تصنيف البحث
عدد البحث
Vol. 4, Issue 1.
موقع البحث
سنة البحث
صفحات البحث