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Allogene Heteretrope Leberhomotransplentation Bei Hunden. 1 Eine Technik der totalen Hepatektomie

مؤلف البحث
M.H. Guindy, H. Badawi, M. Abdel-Raouf, .F. El-Etreby, A. Abdel-Aleem and N.A. Misk
ملخص البحث

A method of auxiliary liver homotransplantation in dogs is described. The experiments, which are of a preliminary nature, were done on 12 dogs of the native breed which received grafts from small donors of the same breed, sex and blood group. The idea included the replacement of the graft at the site of the spleen, with anastomosis of the graft's vena cava, portal vein and aorta to the recipient's left renal vein, splenic vein and splenic artery, respectively. The method proved to be technically satisfactory. Survival times up to76 hours were obtained. Taking into consideration the results obtained from the pathological observations and the probable causes of death in the dogs and with the use of improved immunosuppressive regimes, we hope to obtain better results in future experiments.

مجلة البحث
Vet Med. A
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