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Fractures in Young Single-humped Camels (Camelus dromedarius)

مؤلف البحث
Ahmed F. Ahmed, Fahd A. Al-Sobayil
ملخص البحث

Th e objectives were to study the frequencies and classifi cation of fractures in young camels and to evaluate
the clinical relevance of external fi xation as a method of treatment. Cases of fractures (n = 75) in young camels (less
than 2 years old) were studied. On admission, the cause, site, classifi cation, and radiography of the fractures as well as
the methods of treatment were investigated. Factors aff ecting fracture healing aft er treatment were investigated and
analyzed. Th e frequencies of fracture were aff ected by breed (P = 0.001) and age (P = 0.01) but not sex. Trauma was
the most common cause of fractures (P = 0.001). Tibial fracture was the most common. Treatment was performed
either by plaster of paris bandage alone (82.1%) or in combination with polyvinylchloride (PVC) splints (70.6%),
interdental wiring (14.8%), or 2 Steinmann pins (1.9%). Satisfactory healing was recorded in 81.5% of the treated cases.
In conclusion, breed and age aff ected the frequencies of fracture. Th ere was a signifi cant eff ect of camel age on the cause
of fracture. Moreover, there was a signifi cant eff ect of camel age on the fractured bone. External fi xation using plaster of
paris bandage with/without PVC splints and interdental wiring are successful treatment methods of fractures in young

مجلة البحث
Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 36(1): 1-8, 2012.
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