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The impact of Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae-Myxobolus cerebralis concurrent co-infections on pathology to
5 rainbow trout

مؤلف البحث
Mohamed H. Kotob1,2, Bartolomeo Gorgoglione1,3, Gokhlesh Kumar1, Mahmoud Abdelzaher2, Mona Saleh1
7 and Mansour El-Matbouli1
ملخص البحث

Background: Myxozoan parasites pose emerging health issues for wild and farmed salmonid fish. Rainbow trout
13 (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is a particularly susceptible species to Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae (Malacosporea), the
14 etiological agent of Proliferative Kidney Disease (PKD), and to Myxobolus cerebralis (Myxosporea), the etiological
15 agent of Whirling Disease (WD). The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of concurrent myxozoan
16 co-infections on the pathogenesis of PKD and WD in the rainbow trout.
17 Methods: Two groups of rainbow trout (96 fish each) were primarily infected with T. bryosalmonae and triactinomyxons
18 of M. cerebralis; after 30 days half of the fish in each group were co-infected with these parasites vice versa and
19 remaining half was continued as single infection. Mortalities and clinical signs were recorded at different time points.
20 Histopathology and immunohistochemistry were performed to assess the extent of each infection and estimate the
21 parasite burden between groups.
22 Results: Fish firstly infected with M. cerebralis and co-infected with T. bryosalmonae exhibited exacerbated pathological
23 changes of both parasitic diseases and elicited a higher mortality rate. A higher kidney swelling index (grade 4) appeared
24 together with more severe cartilage destruction and displacement, when compared to the pathological changes in fish
25 upon single infections with T. bryosalmonae or M. cerebralis. Conversely, fish firstly infected with T. bryosalmonae and
26 co-infected with M. cerebralis also exhibited typical pathological changes of both parasitic diseases, but with a
27 lower mortality rate, similar as caused by the single T. bryosalmonae or M. cerebralis infection. WD clinical signs were
28 milder, without skeletal deformities, while kidney swelling index was similar to single infection with T. bryosalmonae
29 (grade 2 to 3).
30 Conclusions: In this study, a concurrent co-infection between myxozoan parasites was for the first time successfully
31 achieved in the laboratory under controlled conditions. The impact of co-infections in concurrent myxozoan infections
32 mainly depends on the primary pathogen infecting the host, which could alter the outcomes of the secondary pathogen
33 infection. The primary M. cerebralis infection followed by T. bryosalmonae had a much more serious impact and elicited a
34 synergistic interaction. Contrasting results were instead seen in rainbow trout primarily infected with T. bryosalmonae and
35 then co-infected with M. cerebralis.

مجلة البحث
Parasites & Vectors
المشارك في البحث
تصنيف البحث
عدد البحث
Vol. 15
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